Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New things at the Z Family Manor

So we are finished with our small remodeling project. I feel really lucky because we had a great contractor and the job was done really quickly and it is exactly what I wanted. So here is a view of our new mold free bathroom shower in the kids bathroom. The hideous purple paint is still on the walls in that bathroom, but it should be gone soon. It's supposed to rain this weekend, so that will be the perfect inside project for us! Here is also a view of our new couch, which we have really enjoyed while the kids watch TV in the family room!

Jake's Birthday

Ok, so this is a month late, but that's where I'm at. Here are the pictures from Jake's Transformer Birthday Party. He had a fantastic time and got some really cool toys! As you can see he got some cool Star Wars toys and 3 Transformers. He also got the very cool Bumble Bee t-shirt that his is wearing. It is pretty cool being 4 years old.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Christmas Exchange Assignments

Hey all! So Sammy helped me pick names for the Christmas Exchange this year. Please post what you would like to receive on the blogg. It just makes it easier for everyone if the info is easily accessible. David and I both have amazon wish lists that you can check for gift ideas. Love you all!
  1. Shawna---Stacy
  2. David-----Sam
  3. Steve-----Clarissa
  4. Britt------David
  5. Stacy-----Steve
  6. Sam------Britt
  7. Clarissa--Shawna
  8. Everyone has Chris!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Clare Marie!

Here is your first view of Clare Marie Zitzelsberger. It turned out pretty clear and it was very obvious that she is a girl. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Soccer Pros Here We Come!

So the kids love playing soccer. The Maple Valley leagues are alot less stressful than the Claremont league was and they are having a fantastic time playing. The teams split into smaller groups to allow the kids a better chance at the ball. It has really worked well, especially for Sammy who gets bored easily if she isn't in the action. Here is a picture of her driving the ball down the field, after which, she scored a goal! She was very proud of herself! Jake gets right into the action and loves it. He runs down the field with a huge smile on his face and helped score at least two goals in his game. It is really fun for us to watch the kids enjoy soccer so much.


Since Josh isn't going to School and doesn't really play soccer, I thought that he should have his own post. He is growing like weed and just broke his 8th tooth last week. He has gotten really good at walking and loves to tootle around in the back yard. I can open the back door and he will play with all of the balls and toys forever all by himself. He still isn't too sure about walking in the grass so he mainly stays on the deck and has a grand old time. Here is a picture of him in one of the cars after he figured out how to get in by himself and another from our trip to Disneyland. That one from Disneyland really looks like Dad!

First Day of School

Here are some fun pictures from the 1st Days of school. Both of the kids were really excited to go back to school this year. Especially Jake, who just really wants to do everything that Sammy gets to do. They both really love their teachers and classes!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More from the Z's

When Granny and Papa were here we went fishing and the kids had a great time fishing with Papa. The kids had a fun time with Grandma Thorne as well. She mostly enjoyed watching them play and reading them pioneer stories. Here they are with her at Uncle Don's house. Note the length of Sammy's hair. The top picture is of Sammy after she cut her own hair last week. She came in from the garage and told me that she wanted to have a haircut just like Cora LaRue's hair, and that is what she got. She had already cut a substantial portion of her hair off and this is the final result. She enjoyed the haircut for about 2 hours, when she finally came to me with tears rolling down her face and told me that she wanted her hair back. Too late! She is now dedicated to regrowing it.

From Washington

Hello everyone! Alot has happened since our last post, so her is a big post for your enjoyment! Here are some pictures from 4th of July with the Madsens in Spokane. We went to a park by the river that had carnival rides for the day. It was a great time and the kids had a really good time!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kid update!

Here are the much awaited Joshy's 1st Birthday and 1st haircut, and yes the poneytail is gone. The cake face plant is awesome. The other picture is of the kids eating dinner. Josh had his first watermelon that night and loved it as you can see.

The new and impoved Z home!

Hello everyone, so after much ado, and a lot of painting here is a peak at the new Z family home. We begin our tour with the photo on the top left, that is the family room (needs paint still). Next we have the kitchen which needs some work, but is better than what we had. Josh's room has been painted a nice taupe color and is decorated in our classic pooh. Notice that we finally got our new crib. Sammy and Jake's room is the blue and yellow room. I don't think that we will keep that blue color. The yellow is fine, but the blue is tooo much. Yes, Sammy is sleeping on the floor. She calls it camping. Last , but not least is our dinning room. We moved our table out of the breakfast nook, because it was just too big, but there is plenty of space here.

Blessing Day for Thomas

Monday, May 26, 2008

Here are some new baby pics!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hello From Washington

Hey everyone, after many requests for picture and such, my internet is finally working so here are the long awaited pictures. These are from the Seattle Aquarium. The kids had a fun time! The next picture is of Josh's mullet in a pony tail. Tomorrow I'll upload the pictures of his 1st hair cut and birthday events. Yea! Stacy had a baby! He is sooo cute!

Thomas Lawrence Knecht

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What's missing?

Is it just me or is there something missing?  I have this craving to see a little boy stuffing his face with cashews, a little girl asking me to put on a show, and another little boy making loud squawking noises.  Where are the Z's when you need them?  It's just not the same without them here.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Farewell Zs

No, I'm not referring to insomnia. I am referring to the sad/happy departure of half of our Southern California family, the Zitselzbergers. Even though we are sad to see them go, we are excited for their new beginning in a faraway land. We will miss all of you dearly and hopefully to visit often. We love you, Zitselzbergers! I know David will dazzle Microsoft with all of his computer wizardry. Finally, don't forget to take the "I'm from California, so I'm better than you!" attitude with you. It's like taking your very own piece of California with you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

C-Mont! rated our beloved City of Claremont the 5th best place to live in the country. Check out the article here.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ben's First Hair Cut

Today I gave Ben his first hair cut. He didn't want to be out done by his dad so I gave him a buzz. He was really good through the whole thing. He was really interested in the buzzer and its cord. You can see his hair had gotten pretty long and unruly. Now it's pretty easy to maintain. Isn't he cute!